Senior Project Day 4
Day 4 Blog - 5/11
Written at 1:45 pm
I started off day 4 of senior project by arriving at Martin Field at 8:30 am. Last night I received an email from a volunteer on the board at Concord National Rec Softball, the league that runs Martin Field. As my day 1 blog mentioned, Concord National is building a batting cage at Martin Field. This coach for the league knew that I was working at Martin for my senior project and asked me if I could transport some materials from the storage shed over to the site of the batting cage to help prepare for the landscaping team that is coming this weekend to construct the cage. The process of transporting these large cardboard tubes took me about an hour as I had to go back and forth from the shed to the cage to carry 18 of these tubes. After they were all at the lot of sand where the cage is being built, I was asked to duct tape them together in groups of three. After this, I noticed that there was a lot of trash left over from games and practices last night so I walked around and collected all of the garbage for about 15 minutes. At this point, I had got an hour of work done at the field and decided to leave the field and plan my projects for the rest of the week.
At 10 am I made a list of tasks that my mentor and I discussed in our meeting yesterday because we decided that taking on the project of painting dugouts would take longer than the time I have for senior project we brainstormed new goals for me to set. So far, these goals are to label the fields with spray paint on the dugouts, put together a first aid kit for the park, and put up “no smoking” signs around Martin. It took me 30 minutes to make a list with details and a schedule. I then started doing more research to plan exactly how I will act on these goals. Currently, Martin Field doesn’t have any first aid kit or resources like that on site unless coaches individually bring their own. Many coaches don’t have their own leaving potential safety problems for players. I researched what a good first-aid kit needs and made a list to purchase tomorrow or Saturday. The research process took me another 30 minutes because I needed to 1: construct a list of items and 2: find where these items can be found in the store. By the end of this process, I had 2 hours completed.
Next, I decided to return to Martin Field and mow the grass, as I noticed earlier that the fields definitely needed to be cleaned up. I arrived back at the fields at 11:15 and did some more weeding work on the outfields for around an hour before mowing the grass in both softball fields and in some of the areas where fans watch games.
Overall, today was a successful day. I think I am mostly done with my work with weeding the outfields which I am very happy about. The mass amount of weeds in these fields was a problem and I am glad that I helped to decrease the amount of them. I am looking forward to doing more research on the spray painting process later this week.
Hours Today: 4
Project Total: 16 hours and 20 minutes
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