Senior Project Week 2 Reflection

 Senior Project Week 2 Reflection

May 21, 2023

Week 2 Total Hours: 48 hours and 35 minutes

Week 2 of senior project went very well. I was able to continue working toward my goal of bettering the softball fields of Concord for those who utilize them. I went into the week with more manageable goals than week 1 and achieved all of these goals. This week I also set new goals for myself for the two days that we have left during week 3. Overall I have continued to learn a lot about myself and the way that I work on projects of this sort. It is good for me to do a lot of research and planning before I start working on something. Time management is also something that is crucial to my success. This week I started sitting down every night and planning my schedule for the next day hour for hour in order to use my time the most effectively. 

The first major project of the week was painting labels on the Martin Field dugouts. My original plan was to spray-paint these labels, however, after purchasing the materials and getting completely ready to start, my test run presented some problems. Spray paint is not very accurate when it is sprayed and my mentor and I came to the conclusion that we should shift toward using paint and paintbrush to apply these labels. This method turned out to be extremely successful. I was pretty frustrated when we first decided that spray painting would not work, however in the end I am very happy with the outcome of the dugout labels after using oil paint. I am also not as broken up about the change in plans because now I know how both the spray painting and painting processes work if I ever do a project like this again. These are skills that I probably wouldn’t have learned in this forgiving environment, so I am glad that I chose this task to work on. 

I spent the majority of my week working on the dugout label project, so I wasn’t able to delve into my second site, Sanel Park until Friday and Saturday. Sanel’s softball dugouts are in rough condition; they have a lot of graffiti on the walls and the paint is peeling. I purchased materials to paint the interior of the dugouts on Monday. This is definitely cutting it close to the end of senior project time, however, I am confident that I will be able to get it done. In addition to painting the dugouts, I spent some time cleaning up the field and took down a rotted wooden bat holder on the side of one of the dugouts. This bat holder was too broken to be used and had jagged edges and sharp nails sticking out, which is a major safety concern for young players. I am happy with the progress made at Sanel and am excited to make more progress on Monday and Tuesday. 

My first goal when filling out the senior project application form was to “Fix Dugouts”. I think that I have made great progress in achieving this goal. Between creating more visible labels on the Martin Field dugouts, and the work that I plan on doing in the Sanel dugouts I think it is safe to say that I will achieve this goal. 

Week 2 of senior project was successful and I look forward to closing out this project on a high note on Monday and Tuesday!


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